Joe Russo's Almost Dead Sat 2/15/2025 The Eastern, Atlanta, GA
(both openers written by Robert Hunter in December 1969)
With Alecia Chakour
Set 1
- New Speedway Boogie
- Estimated Prophet 🎧Shine On You Crazy Diamond tease
- Loose Lucy
- Jack Straw 🎧Fearless, Mountain Jam, Looks Like Rain teases
- Bird Song
- Uncle John's Band 🎧Pink Cadillac, Baba O'Riley teases
Set 2
- Mason's Children
- Hell In A Bucket
- Help on the Way >
- Slipknot! ->
- In Memory of Elizabeth Reed
- High Time 📓with Alecia Chakour
- Going Down The Road Feeling Bad 📓with Alecia Chakour
- We Bid You Goodnight 📓with Alecia Chakour
- Turn On Your Lovelight 📓Marco solo intro; with Alecia Chakour🎧Georgia on My Mind tease

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