Joe Russo's Almost Dead Thu 6/20/2024 Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom, Hampton Beach, NH
Set 1
- Man Smart (Woman Smarter) >🎧Iko Iko tease
- China Cat Sunflower ->
- Feel Like a Stranger 🎧Brown-Eyed Women tease
- Dire Wolf
- Only Daddy That'll Walk the Line ->🎧Mountain Jam tease
- Going Down The Road Feeling Bad >🎧We Bid You Goodnight tease
- They Love Each Other
Set 2
- Waitin' For The Bus ->🎧Jesus Just Left Chicago tease
- Sugaree ->🎧Breakdown tease
- Lost Sailor >
- Saint of Circumstance ->📓Marco jam🎧Breakdown tease
- Terrapin suite
- Brokedown Palace