Joe Russo's Almost Dead Fri 5/4/2018 Mardi Gras World Ballroom, New Orleans, LA
Katie Jacoby joined for half of second set
With Katie Jacoby
Set 1
- Man Smart (Woman Smarter) >🎧Iko Iko tease
- Help on the Way >
- Slipknot! ->🎧Terrapin Station, Foam, In Memory of Elizabeth Reed teases
- Scarlet Begonias ->🎧Terrapin Station tease
- I Know You Rider >
- I Need A Miracle 📓back to back "I"s
Set 2
- Yazoo Street Scandal ->📓with Marco solo intro🎧Good Lovin' tease
- Tennessee Jed >📓with Marco solo🎧Reveille tease
- Playing in the Band ->🎧Swingtown, Come Together teases
- The Eleven ->
- Feel Like a Stranger ->🎧Here Comes The Hotstepper tease
- Morning Dew 🎧Baba O'Riley tease

- pro-shot
- soundboard
- video
- audio(from